Free TurboCAD Resources

Published : 07/16/2015 16:24:43
Categories : General

We are frequently asked by users of all levels for additional training resources or sources of information.

So I’d like to take a moment to discuss some of what I consider some of the best free resources available, starting with the TurboCAD User Forum. If you are not already a registered member of the TurboCAD forum, you should consider becoming one. It is fantastic place to ask questions, gain knowledge and learn shared techniques for specific use cases. In addition, there is a gallery which serves to demonstrate the diverse types of projects that TurboCAD is being used for. And we always encourage all users to post their projects samples here, so don’t be shy.,3.0.html 

Note: in order to get the most out of the forum, you do need to be registered otherwise you will not be able to post questions or see images or have access to attachments from others. 

You might also add the IMSI Design Channel to your list of favorites as it has videos on all sorts of TCAD functions.

Another fantastic resource is the TurboCAD Wiki site. If you have never visited it you might be surprised by the amount and level of content there.

Thanks to one of our top beta testers and top forum contributors John Sollman, you may know him by his TC Forum name “John R”, the wiki site information is maintained and remains a great resource for getting the up-to date information about TurboCAD. 

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